Tag Archive for: lowonganpekerjaan

Lowongan Pekerjaan Kepala Teknik Tambang

Urgent Recruitment..
Position: KTT (Kepala Teknik Tambang)
Komoditas : Mineral non Logam (Batuan)


  1. Pendidikan Min. S1 Teknik Pertambangan / Teknik Geologi
  2. Memiliki sertifikasi POU/POM
  3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja min 5 tahun
  4. Memahami peraturan perundangan pertambangan yang terbaru
  5. Bersedia di tempatkan dalam project tambang aktif di semua wilayah di Indonesia
  6. Mampu memimpin dan mengawasi tim untuk mengerjakan proyek penambangan
  7. Mampu beradaptasi dengan warga lokal khususnya di Sulawesi Tengah dan sekitarnya.
  8. Dapat segera bergabung
  • Penempatan Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah
  • Roster 8:2
  • POH Jakarta

Please send your CV to [email protected]
with subject: name – position

Lowongan Pekerjaan Dosen di Universitas Islam Riau

Company Profile

Universitas Islam Riau adalah perguruan tinggi tertua di Provinsi Riau berdiri pada tanggal 4 September 1962 bertepatan dengan 23 Zulkaidah 1382 H, dibawah Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (YLPI) Riau.

Posisi yang dibutuhkan

Posisi Dosen Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Riau yang dibutuhkan;

  1. Dosen Untuk S1 Teknik Mesin Bidang Keahlian Mekanika Terapan / Kontruksi / Perancangan
    (2 org)
  2. Dosen Untuk S1 Teknik Geologi Bidang Keahlian Paleontology / Micropaleontology / Geologi
  3. Dosen Untuk S1 Teknik Perminyakan


Persyaratan Umum

  1. Batas Usia max 37 tahun (untuk lulusan S2) dan 45 tahun (untuk lulusan S3) per 1
    Agustus 2024.
  2. Memiliki semangat tinggi dalam bekerja untuk membangun institusi.
  3. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari instansi pemerintahan atau swasta.
  4. Tidak menjadi anggota atau pengurus partai politik atau terlibat dalam politik praktis.
  5. Memiliki kualitas Pendidikan sesuai dengan persyaratan.
  6. Sehat jasmani dan Rohani.
  7. Tidak terlibat dalam organisasi kemasyarakatan yang dilarang oleh pemerintah.
  8. Bebas narkoba;
  9. Memiliki kemampuan bahas inggris skor TOEFL ITP minimal 500.

Persyaratan Khusus

  1. Pelamar berasal dari Lulusan Program Studi Magister (diutamakan lulusan Program Doktor) dari universitas bereputasi baik dalam maupun luar negeri.
  2. IPK minimal S1 = 3,25; dan S2=3,5.
  3. Diutamakan yang telah memiliki publikasi nasional dan internasional.
  4. Memiliki keahlian khusus sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh program studi

Dokumen syarat:

Pelamar mengisi formular pendaftaran dengan mengunggah berkas sebagai berikut:

  1. Pas Foto warna terbaru (rasio 3:4);
  2. Scan asli surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Rektor Universitas Islam Riau;
  3. Scan asli Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP);
  4. Scan asli ijazah (S1, S2 dan S3*);
  5. Scan asli transkrip (S1, S2 dan S3*);
  6. Scan asli akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi pelamar;
  7. Scan asli dokumen kesetaraan ijazah bagi lulusan luar negeri;
  8. Scan asli dokumen lainnya yang dibutuhkan;
  9. Daftar Riwayat Hidup atau Curriculum Vitae (CV) yang berisikan karya ilmiah (publikasi
    ilmiah, buku, prosiding).

*Bagi yang sudah menyelesaikan program doctoral.

Berkas Pendaftaran silahkan pada;
Email : [email protected]
Contact Person : (0811-752-540) Tengku Ediyanto, S.T., M.T.,

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.

Company Profile

PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. (“Indocement”​) is one of the Indonesia’s major producers of quality cement and specialty cement products under the brand name “TIGA RODA”​ and “SEMEN RAJAWALI”​. Indocement also ownes several subsidiaries that produces Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC), aggregates and trass mining. Indocement was established in 1985. Indocement operates 13 cement plants located in Bogor, West Java – Palimanan, Cirebon, West Java and Tarjun, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. As of December 31, 2016, total Indocement employed a total of more than 6.500 workforce.

Recruitment for PT Bhakti Sari Perkasa Abadi subsidiary of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.


  • Studying mining maps/areas to ensure the condition of the mining area that will be excavated.
  • Conducting surveys of the mining area to ensure identification of areas with the required material deposits.
  • Researching benches, compositions, structures, and the geological history of the mining site to ensure the most effective and efficient mining methods.
  • Testing material, minerals, fossils, and other materials to ensure the identification of the chemical composition of the materials to be mined.
  • Analyzing survey data and material tests to determine the continuation of mining operations.
  • Preparing survey reports to ensure the condition of the mine.
  • A strong willingness to study and understand the laws and regulations related to mining and environment activities
  • Preparing technical document for authorities compliances


Language skill: Bahasa Indonesia & English.
Sorowako Luwu Timur – Sulawesi Selatan 92984
cq. Recruitment Section
email : [email protected]

Minimum Bachelor’s degree : Geological Engineering or equivalent with minimal GPA 3.00

Values : Accountable, Teamwork, Strive for Excellent, Agile, Pro active

Preferably Certificate competency : POP, Remote Pilot (Drone)

Preferably has software skill : Microsoft Office, Autocad and Mapping Software

Owned valid driver license (SIM A)

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT PT.SAWERIGADING UTAMA

Company Profile

PT.SAWERIGADING UTAMA, perusahaan yang berkedudukan di Sorowako – Luwu Timur -Sulawesi Selatan membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang kompeten, yang akan ditempatkan pada proyek di PT.VALE INDONESIA Tbk Sorowako.

Daftar Lowongan

Jr Geologist Drilling
Job Purpose
To provide reliable geological data to support mine planning and mine operation in Sorowako block by planning and supervising exploration activities such as geological mapping, core drilling, sample preparation, ERT measurement, and other field work related to exploration support.

Main Accountalities

  • Plan and monitor the exploration procedure, regulation, and policy to be
    aligned with HSE and VPS program to prevent any accidents and improve
    the effectiveness drilling operation.
  • Provide reliably geological data by by core logging, sample preparation,
    geoevaluation, and geological report.
  • Develop yearly plan to weekly plan of drilling operation to be aligned with
    life of mine plan.
  • Develop progress report of drilling operation related to safety, production,
    quality, man power, and unit utilization.
  • Provide data analysis of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in order to
    optimize the drilling operation.


  • Education : Undergraduate Degree – specify : Geology
  • Experience : 6 – 18 Months experience required to perform the job.
  • Specify Certification : Pengawas Operational Pratama ( POP ) Mandatory

Specific Technical Competencies :

Fluent in English especially in writing, speaking, and listening.

  • EHS and VPS compliances related to drilling operation.
  • Understanding of basic geology, geochemistry, sampling method, nickel laterite, ore
    characteristics, QAQC, and Geostatistic.
  • Software such as Microsoft office and geological software package.
  • Fluent in English especially in writing, speaking, and listening.

Terms and Conditions

Please submit your softcopy of application documents (Application Letter, CV, copy of Academic certificate & transcripts.

Jl. Gunung Merapi F-91
Sorowako Luwu Timur – Sulawesi Selatan 92984
cq. Recruitment Section
email : [email protected]

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT LX International Indonesia

Company Profile

We are multi industry company from South Korea. Our business are in Palm Plantation, CPO Trading, Nickel and Coal Trading, Coal and Nickel Mining, Renewable Resources, Online Education, and Healthcare. Currently, we are expanding our business in Indonesia, and welcome you to be part of our big family. Should you be interested in joining our multicultural work environments, check our feeds for vacant positions!

Daftar Lowongan

Junior Geotech Engineer (Site-Based)

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT RIOTA JAYA LESTARI

Company Profile

PT Riota Jaya Lestari is a Nickel Mining Company. The Site Project located at Kolaka Utara, Southeast Sulawesi. This Company is jointly developed by PT Jaya Mineral Resources and PT Radisaa Mineral Resources

Daftar Lowongan

Wellsite Geologist

    Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

    Company Profile

    Kami adalah perusahaan global yang berkomitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan yang menghargai keanekaragaman dan inklusi. Kami percaya pengembangan keterampilan dan pengalaman karyawan yang berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu kekuatan dalam bisnis pertambangan tingkat global. Kami melakukan beragam upaya untuk peningkatan keahlian dan kompetensi karyawan kami dengan standar internasional.

    Daftar Lowongan

    1. Environment Engineer
    2. Junior Hydrology Engineer
    3. Senior CoordinatorSafety
    4. Senior Coordinator Technical Permit JVCO
    5. Project Engineer
    6. Geologist Grade Control Model
    7. Geologist Ore Quality System
    8. Geophysics ERT
    9. Senior Geologist Ore Quality System

    Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan klik di sini atau download file dokumen pdf.

    Closing date (inclusive) is on July 26, 2024

    Lowongan Pekerjaan Wellsite Geologist di Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Company Sdn Bhd

    Company Profile

    Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Company Sdn Bhd, CPOC, serves as the Operator under the Joint Operating Agreement between PETRONAS Carigali JDA Ltd and PTTEP International Limited (‘PTTEPI’) in respect of the exploration and exploitation of petroleum for Block B-17 & C-19 and Block B-17-01 located at the lower part of Gulf of Thailand near the South China Sea.

    Job Purpose

    Execute and monitor geological operations (exploration, appraisal and development) for CPOC by ensuring the objectives are met at optimum costs via 24/7 support coverage & high-tech solutions.

    More Details :